You may not spend a lot of time thinking about your home’s plumbing, but it is a complex system that relies on a lot of technology and moving parts. Most of the time, homeowners don’t give much thought to their plumbing until something is wrong.
Sometimes it’s obvious that the system is not working properly, like if your faucet doesn’t turn on or your toilet won’t flush. Other times, the problem is less obvious. Read on to learn more about three signs your plumbing may not be working right.
1. Inconsistent Water Pressure
No matter where you are using water — the bathroom, kitchen, or garage — you should have consistent water pressure. If the water pressure is great one day and weak the next, that’s a sign that there could be an underlying issue.
Even if you think you can get by with the inconsistent pressure, don’t delay in calling in a professional, as the underlying issue could get worse over time.
2. Strange Smells
In general, your plumbing system should be odorless. If you notice an odd smell coming from your plumbing fixtures, that’s not a good sign.
Sometimes the smell can come and go, so you may think it’s not a big deal. However, the odor could be an indication that something is off in your pipes or water tank that needs to be addressed. In addition, if the smell is due to something like pipe corrosion or mold, you don’t want to be using water that could be contaminated.
3. Odd Noises
Plumbing isn’t a totally quiet system, but as a homeowner, you should be aware of what is a normal noise and what isn’t. If you suddenly notice odd noises like clanking pipes or banging, you should call a professional as soon as possible. Putting off needed repairs could land you in an emergency plumbing situation.
If you notice any of these signs in your home plumbing, call RooterMan right away at 866-577-1221 for a free estimate. We’ve been recognized as the #1 Plumbing Franchise by Entrepreneur Magazine for the past 18 years. We provide same-day plumbing service and can get your plumbing back to top shape in no time.